
Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day 2021
Join us on May 21, 2021 for Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day! This fun holiday promotes life jacket awareness and use. There are many different comfortable options that work for your boating activity of choice – hunting, fishing, paddling, or boating!
Partner Profile: Vava’u Volunteer Maritime Response Association (VVMRA)
This blog post is part of a series celebrating the great work of our Safe Boating Campaign partners. The Vava’u Volunteer Maritime Response Association (VVMRA) is an incorporated society of the Kingdom of Tonga that assists the Ministry of Police with Search and Rescue Operations. They also handle requests for marine assistance, provide VHF radio watch, and promote water safety education in their community year-round.
IBWSS Goes Virtual – Free Registration 
The International Boating & Water Safety Summit has gone virtual, to be held from May 17-19, 2021.
Summer Partner Toolkit
Every year, the Safe Boating Campaign provides partners with a valuable toolkit full of free outreach and marketing materials. This partner toolkit includes an outreach plan, social media posts, education boating materials, videos, radio clips, fact sheets, and more. Everyone is invited and encouraged to use these materials! 
Partner Radio and Video PSA’s
The Safe Boating Campaign invites everyone to utilize our free radio and video PSA’s that are produced for all who promote safety while working or playing on the water.
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