
Read It!
Check label to see if approved. Required to have approved device that fits each person on board (including children).

Choose It!
Your body type, swim skills, boating activity and environment need to be considered. A device that fits you snugly and comfortably and that you will want to wear is a good choice.

Wear It!
A fall overboard or capsize can happen easily in a small boat. It is not the same experience as going swimming. Even good swimmers in fair weather can be disoriented, hurt and gasping for a breath. There is no time to get the lifejacket on.

Use It!
Drying properly and keeping it clean will maintain your device in wearable condition. Regular checking (for wear and tear) and servicing (inflatables) is important.

Important Safety Info
Wear your lifejacket, check the weather forecast, file a float plan, maintain your equipment, refrain from alcohol, take a boating course...