
Safe Boating Campaign Made Waves in 2017
2017 was an exciting year for the Safe Boating Campaign! It continued to receive national attention for its award-winning tactics to communicate boating safety and life jacket wear, earning national recognition from the Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts, PR Daily and PR News with nine awards. Highlights of the…
Safe Boating Campaign Exciting Changes for 2018
Boating safety advocates around the world are supporters of the North American Safe Boating Campaign. And, this was no different in 2017, when nine countries joined in support of recreational boating safety and shared important messages such as wearing a life jacket, using an engine cut-off device, and never boating…
2018 Planning Update
Thank you for your continued support of the Safe Boating Campaign! We’re hard at work on the new brand for the 2018 boating season, and can’t wait to share it with you. A few updates: Be sure to update your email address book to receive updates from the National Safe…
North American Safe Boating Campaign Reminds Boaters to Boat Responsibly Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day marks the last big summer hurrah for many people, with boaters enjoying beautiful waterways with families and friends. However, a fun day on the water could go wrong in an instant. “My friend Conner and I were thrown from our boat due to a hydraulic steering part failure,…
Sport Fisherman Shares About Close Call Boat Accident in New PSA
Sport fishermen Hunter Bland and Conner Young of the University of Florida Bass Fishing Team were almost seriously injured when they were thrown from their boat during a tournament in early 2017. Now, Bland is sharing about their close call in a video PSA from the National Safe Boating Council.…
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