
Ready, Set, Wear It Dates for 2021
Previously only offered on select dates throughout the summer, Ready, Set, Wear It is now implemented by campaign partners on various dates throughout the summer boating season. This family-friendly event teaches boaters about the importance of always wearing a life jacket, along with helpful care and maintenance information. With a bit of fun along the way! This may be a standalone event or incorporated into other local outreach efforts. #RSWI
Getting Started as a Campaign Partner
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Safe Boating Campaign partner! Each campaign partner is unique in how they lead efforts in their local community to encourage responsible boating. Following are a few ways you can get started as a Safe Boating Campaign partner. Use our free resources >>…
Tips for Off-Season Boat & Gear Storage
Here are our tips that could save you time, money, and maybe a pesky headache when you’re ready to take the boat out next season! It is important to perform some maintenance before storing your boat and boating gear for winter. Boat Storage Boat battery. Remove your battery and store it…
New Animated Video PSAs
New animated videos are available from the Safe Boating Campaign! Watch the playlist on Facebook, view on Vimeo, or watch on YouTube.
Fall Boating is Here
Fall is one of the best times to go boating. As families continue to social distance, many predict the increase in boaters on the water will continue through the fall. Here are some ways you can enjoy boating safely this fall. 1. Fishing and hunting. Fall is one of the…
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