
#wearyourlifejacketatworkday May 20 is one week away!
Whether you’re working in the office, at home, in the air, or on the water, all boating enthusiasts can participate in Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day on Friday, May 20, 2022.
Share on Social this National Safe Boating Week
National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 21-27, 2022, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most…
Tips for Safe Boating with Kids
As with any family adventure — safety is the priority. Here are a few things you can do to keep everyone safe and happy while boating: Expect the unexpected. Pack a change of clothes, have extra snacks and water, and don’t forget sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats. Clear expectations. Establish rules upfront…
Safe Boating Campaign Swag Boxes in Stock
At the Safe Boating Campaign, we're gearing up for another busy boating summer season. And, we have many resources to support your local outreach efforts.
Life Jacket Label – Read It
You will see a new label on life jackets in store. What does that mean for you? It does not make your old life jacket obsolete! The most important rule to remember – check your life jacket every year to make sure it still floats you, has no rips or…
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