
Become a Safe Boating Campaign Partner

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The Safe Boating Campaign is a worldwide effort focused on responsible boating led by the National Safe Boating Council with support from boating safety advocates around the world. At its heart, the Safe Boating Campaign is a grassroots effort that collaborates with partners to share about safe boating in their local communities through events, social media, workshops, and more. It is produced under a grant from the Sports Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard.

The National Safe Boating Council provides partners with many free and paid resources – such as brand, logo, talking points, suggested social media posts, template announcements, fact sheets, videos, photo library, posters, public service announcements, banners, launch point signs, and life jacket loaner stand artwork. This effort has created worldwide recognition of the Safe Boating Campaign – reminding boaters to always wear a life jacket and boat responsibly.

Learn more how to become a partner.

Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

If you’re an individual interested in supporting your local Safe Boating Campaign effort, please contact your local partners.