September 27, 2016
No matter if you enjoy boating during the hot, sunny days of summer or during the winter, when the waters are decidedly less busy, it’s important that all boaters properly store their boats and safety equipment. Before reading the following tips, think about what maintenance routine you perform when putting…
September 13, 2016
This safety alert reminds all inflatable life jacket users of the importance of performing periodic maintenance on their equipment. Instances of fatal accidents where inflatable life jackets failed to properly inflate have been documented. When a life jacket fails to inflate properly, the results can be life-threatening. Unknown bladder leaks…
September 1, 2016
Manassas, VA (August 29, 2016) – Labor Day may mark the unofficial end to the summer boating season, but boaters will continue to get out on the water throughout the year, putting themselves in potential danger if they don’t use common sense precautions. The National Safe Boating Council, a lead…
July 21, 2016
Why do people take pledges? To show their dedication and passion for a worthy cause! In 2015, 85% of recreational boating drowning victims were not wearing a life jacket. The National Safe Boating Council believes wearing a life jacket is the simplest life-saving strategy during recreational water activities. We created…
July 20, 2016
This safety alert reminds all vessel operators to routinely inspect their life jackets to ensure they are suitable for service. Recently Coast Guard inspectors in Key West, Florida discovered two vessels that had over 60 life jackets that were required to be removed and destroyed. It was discovered that the unicellular foam buoyant material…