
Getting Started as a Campaign Partner

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Safe Boating Campaign partner! Each campaign partner is unique in how they lead efforts in their local community to encourage responsible boating. Following are a few ways you can get started as a Safe Boating Campaign partner.

Use our free resources >>

1. Register as a campaign partner.

Register at Become a Partner to be listed in our online partner database. While registering, be sure to opt-in to receive our email updates for the latest information about the campaign. Already registered? Find your listing and email any edits to

If you’re interested in volunteering to support your local Safe Boating Campaign effort, search for local partners.

2. Read the Resource Kit and explore

This website includes many resources for you to implement in your local community. Be sure to browse the Resources page and Resource Kit. All downloadable resources are available free of charge and may be printed, shared, and distributed far and wide.

3. Mark your calendar with important dates.

  • Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day | Friday, May 21, 2021
  • Ready, Set, Wear It Life Jacket Events | Dates you select
  • National Safe Boating Week | May 22 – 28, 2021
  • Other Local Event Opportunities | Dates you select

Interactive toolkit for National Safe Boating Week >>

4. Plan.

From hosting a booth at a local community event to organizing volunteers to share about safety at a launch point to placing public service announcements in local media to participating in local media interviews to posting boating safety facts and images on social media – our Safe Boating Campaign partners use the free resources on the Resources page and Interactive Toolkit to share about responsible boating in their community. Be sure to check out the Sample Partner Plan Template in the Resource Kit that may be customized for your local community.

5. Request a partner logo.

Partners are encouraged to create their own resources with a Safe Boating Campaign partner logo in accordance with our brand guidelines. You must be registered as a partner to request a partner logo.

Request a partner logo >>